

01 December 2009

Breeding Jock's Curiosity

This question, from my entry titled Ask Cum Craver Anything is - "How old were you when you had your first sexual experience? And have you ever used condoms?"

To answer the first part of your question, I was 15 years old. You can read about the experience in two of my very first postings: Cum Craver Loosing his Virginity - Part 1 and Cum Craver Loosing his Virginity - Part 2 . I thought it would be fitting to start the blog with an explaination of how a cum craver came to be.

The short answer to your second question is "Yes."

My very first sexual experiences were without protection. Though not a deliberate decision not to use protection, but rather an inadequate knowledge of why protection should be used. After a while of experimenting and knowledge gathering I found out the "why" of why one should use condoms. From that day forward I too, like so many others, led a younger life in fear of contracting an STD. The problem was that I had started without condoms and I knew what it felt like. It's easy to not miss something when someone doesn't know what their missing, but as soon as they do it creates a guttural need to reconnect with that lost feeling. I did what every other closet bare-backer did. I would only play with "negative" guys, I'd ask if they were clean, I'd inspect them for any sign of disease, etc. I did this know I was taking the reigns into my own hands and trusting these tops to tell me the truth.

In closing, I am reminded of a quote from an unknown source that goes something like "Life, itself, is a chronic and terminal sexually transmitted disease."


  1. Well...I'm still looking for Part 2 of you Losing your Virginity.

    But thanks for taking the time and posting your response. Of course I'm going to steal your idea and use it next month.

  2. Anytime. Look on the post above and you should see the link to Part 2. Hope it's what you wanted.


Bareback Pride

Bareback Pride